Gaming and general day to day.

Mostly gaming, and some other things that make you ponder...

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Black Ops: Time for a change?

How are we going to spend the next 12 months?
Now, Call of Duty perhaps the biggest FPS franchise of today and maybe all time...BUT and I couldnt emphasise that "but" anymore, we have a problem. This time last year Infinity Ward released Modern Warfare 2 the biggest selling FPS to date and yes as Activision always promise we were given an epic campaign (no questions asked) as with every other CoD game. But there's no point purchasing an action shooting game if you're not going to play it online and we all know that MW2 was a big of a middle finger to CoD players as the Godfather 3.

But I'm getting distracted...IS Black Ops going to change it all? or are we going to spend the next year trying to restrain ourselves from destroying our consoles? Well...Black Ops is made by Treyarch who made CoD: World at War back in 2008 and it was not a bad game at all! Good campaign and a bit of on and offline gore to top it all off (Lovely stuff). But Treyarch let the power get to them by releasing DLC maps, which aren't a problem but included them in ALL playlists, so if you didn't have them you got kicked out of games (Like me :/). But after looking at previews of BOps it looks like Treyarch have done their homework. stating they've countered the Quickscoping problem which I can give a resounding THANK FUCK FOR THAT, so it looks like there's going to be around 5 million smug 14 year olds crying in unison for the next 6 months. ... ;)

And also they have countered the NoobTube problem which has been around since the days of CoD3, by making Ntubes only kill an enemy if it is within direct range of an enemy, But the whole point of CoD is to have these problems giving you some sort of euphemistic challenge not set by the game itself. Now...I know what you're thinking sounds all good yes? Well it's not all good, BOps will include Commando Pro, Danger Close Pro and all their annoying friends, so this game will have you being stabbed from 10ft away and being blown up by a grenade in another map. But remember...CoD can't keep everything the same in each game so some things will annoy some players as compared to others. But with the QScoping and NTubing problem countered it looks like we could be in for an honest year of decent gaming, with added suicidal QScopers which isn't a problem :P

But Treyarch seemed to have made a gritty game full of the realism of war, none of this high tech shit. It looks like if BOps was a person it would be Rambo with a big ass knife compare to MW2 which is GI Joe with a pistol, this game looks like it has "Renegade" written all over and maybe we could be in for a treat...oh and theres zombies!

I guess we'll see on Tuesday.

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