Gaming and general day to day.

Mostly gaming, and some other things that make you ponder...

Monday, 15 November 2010

You know what grinds my gears? Part 1

Now, I'm a reasonable guy and I have the upmost repsect for anyones views...but by jove do some things piss me off? ...let's begin.

1. Reality TV: What a waste of bloody life eh? X Factor? Big Brother? all such a waste of time and money, watching fame hungry juveniles create a so called "career" from doing sod all, X factor finalists let alone contestants are wiped from the face of the earth 6 months after the show, and Big Brother? scrounging, benefit chavs who after being seen on camera are classed as "celebrities". It's disturbing...these people earn shitloads of money for doing feck' all, if a brain surgeon said "I haven't done much in the last year" they would get fucking owned but if you were on Big Brother 05 you're a celebrity.

...but in all fairness I'm a Celebrity is quite funny.

2. People who create sexist, childish Facebook pages: This is the brunt of all hipocracy and idiocy, a 14 year old girl making a page called "All boys should do a GCSE in "How to treat a female" and "CoD is a game played by immature boys" I mean how the feck do these kids know what the gaming community is like? 6 million gamers all immature? and these girls who have a 14 year old boyfriend and think because he didn't share his Turkey Twizzlers with her, the entire male gender is not to be trusted.

3: Over Liberal People: Now, I class myself as a liberal guy, and any person is entitled to their own opinion and as a decent human being you should respect it, but people can't get away with ANYTHING and you can't let them either by throwing the old "It's their choice", If someone murdered a child with a rusty paperclip would you respect them? NO sometimes you need to stop being like a pure exaggerated Mahatma Ghandi and dissagree with someone for once.

4: Emo's: Now the Emo phase is practically dead, I think I started around 2005 and ended in about 2009? It's long gone (Thank the bloody lord) Having 4 years of suburban teenagers who suddenly after listening to some American commercialised pop crap, have "problems" and draw red lines on their wrists to gain attentions from the other wannabe vampires, and what's worse for these two years people who listened to more rock orientated music (me) were branded Emos by uneducated scum (read below)

5: Chavs, NEDS (Non-Educated Delinquents): Now these people ruin our soceity and turn our streets into scum riddled sesspits where we feel uncomfortable to go outside incase we get verbally (or physically) attacked by these assailants. They usually dwell in less well to do areas, have little or no income (if they do it's probably stolen) and hate anyone who doesn't look like them. In order to not be judged by these dcreatures you must...1. Wear expensive tracksuits that are somehow acquired with little income you have? don't wash for the best part of 10 days, and speak like your regurgitating. They often lose their virginities around the ages of 11 -13 and their main goal in life is to start a fight with anyone and I mean ...ANYONE whether it be male, female, animal, OAP, Tony Blair, you name it they want to kick the shit out of it for no reason whatsoever, If you find yourself in one of these areas keep your guard out, hide your money in your shoes and don't give eye contact. Because if you do this will happen.

Assailant: "What you lookin at you retard!"
Average: "Excuse Me?"
Assailant: "You Startin'?"
Average: "What?"
Assailant: *Punches*

You can counteract these creatures by leaving them with a riddle, such as...

1: "How many qualifications do you have?"
2: "Who's your Biological Father?"
3: "When was the last time you acquired money within the law?"

1 comment:

  1. Love it :D
    GG the little script at the bottom made me Lol :D
    That is typical chavs, you should as Youss in YJV about his story when a chav asked him for a fag.

    It went along the lines of
    Chav: "Mate, you got a fag?"
    Youss: "I don't smoke mate sorry."
    (slight pause of confusion)
    Chav: "Wanna fight?"
