Gaming and general day to day.

Mostly gaming, and some other things that make you ponder...

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Black Ops: My Review

I was, no I kid ;D
Black Ops is here, after (some) eager anticipation it's finally here, not that you didn't know, I mean I had 34 friends out of 60 online yesterday which...34 were on Black Ops, determination right there. But lets get to the point, Is it good? Well...Yes, Yes it is.

The Campaign was awesome and added a different feel to the generic CoD campaigns, a gritty storyline focusing on the realism of war, none of this "Shit! it's the Taliban, get out the Super Thermonuclear Fully Automatic Pistol" this game shows Vietnam exactly how it was (not that I was there to witness it) and I know what your thinking "It's set in the 60's so there is no crazy ass weapons" NO there were MANY missions in this game that just used rusty knives, pistols, AK's and even fireball slingshots (badass). But as we always know CoD campaigns are never usually a let down it's the multiplayer that we're all really bothered about.

And after months of hater's (gon' hate) saying that this game would be terrible after MW2 I think you may have been proved wrong here, The online has changed dramatically but in strange way that we all know how to still play it? M16's have been toned down, No quickscoping, and a selection on pretty good maps.'s not all fun and games (well it is) but you know what I mean, I was shocked at the ability of the smaller weapons (MP5, Skorpion) being RIDICULOUSLY overpowered, TWO bullets on a non-harcore mode to kill me! I sense bad usage of these :/ It seems Treyarch have been so focused on toning down everything that annoyed us in the last games that they may have made something worse. But to be honest this is the only fault I can find with the game, and I would reccomend it. But hater's gon' hate and these are people who haven't even played the game, just play it and you'll see!

And the ability to kill zombies in the Pentagon whilst portaying John. F. Kennedy or Fidel Castro is enough to make any fun loving human being buy this game. ;)

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