Ahoy people sorry I haven't got round to writing on here, but I thought I may aswell add somehting with today being the last day of 2010, so without further adieu I present you my summary of 2010 gaming,
Now 2010 for gaming was pretty good, a good selection of games came out this year and now I'll try my best to summarise the few I have played without being too biased because I'm sure I'll get some DerP trolling me with emails about how they disagree and I become a Fggt noob. Now I have missed out some of the big ones Halo, Fifa etc because in all honesty if I was to include them I should change my name to iTz Pr0 L0g111cZz and reduce my age by 5 years... let's begin.
CoD Black Ops.
Now as you all know the Call of Duty series is the biggest in the world, and no matter how terrible the game is, everyone (even me) will continue to play it and complain about it, but Black Ops is a slight exception the campaign was superb although they could have included the ol' CoD sniper/stealth mission, but the online was the games downbringer, a barrage of overpowered guns and a spawning system with that seems to have been contructed by a chimpanzee. But this can all be rectified with a simple patch (But Treyarch still have their heads in their behinds)and I will continue to play it until the dreaded Modern Warfare 3 is released next November. Now heres my score for BOps 8/10
Jus.t Cause 2.
Now I seem to be only person in the world (Or just on my friends list) who enjoyed and still enjoys this game, It is the sequel to Just Cause (obviously) and to be honest that wasn't the best game ever made, infact it was one of the worst made games since Barbie Surfing back '01. But the sequel was immense, a massive Sandbox style of gaming firing explosions, awesome vehicles and weapons, the campaign was mediocre but the fun factor was 10/10, the trouble is these days is too many gamers are saying "Like thats realistic?!" focusing primarily on if something can be achieved in real life and yes in JC2 you can hang on the side of a jumbo jet and fire a rocket launcher at a boat below but ITS FUN! who cares? I still play this game now and it never gets boring. Now I'm gonna split the score up into two for this one Campaign = 4/10, Fun Factor = 10/10!! ...overall score 8/10.
Red Dead Redemption.
Now when I review games I try my best to find to find the pro's and con's with it, you know the good and bad points, after playing Red Dead Redemption my brain went into overdrive in trying find something wrong with it, It is (you may disagree) one of the best game sof the last 10 years, if not ever. The story mode was executed perfectly almost as if it was directed in Hollywood, And there are so many game modes online which are fun as hell, and on Halloween of this year Rockstar released Undead Nightmare which was the icing on the cake, It is a perfect game that I will NEVER dispose of. Western games aren't common basically because they can get repetetive I bought GUN in 2005 and that was awesome and then Red Dead came out and blew me away, Trust me Western games are very black and white, either pretty bad or amazing. Now I give this game 10/10...that's right TEN.
Medal of Honor.
Now, Medal of Honor...when I first heard about this I actually said in my head "0mFg Rly?" because I;ve been playing the MoH series since the first one back in 1999 which made me only 7, (Yeah my parents let me play anything)and I found the series to be grossly underrated the last game was MoH Airbourne in 2007 and that was extremely overshadowed by CoD4, and I loved it, But when MoH 2010 was announced and stating it was to be set in present day I was skeptic, So I preordered it and when I played through the campaign I was impressed but it felt like just another FPS there was nothing special about it, and (here comes grumpy Mikey)when I played online I was shocked...very shocked, I did'nt enjoy any of it, nothing felt right and it didn't feel like any previous MoH installment, that's why I traded it in the next day, But I would reccomend this game because I see why people enjoy it, but NOBODY plays it anymore I spend a considerable ammount of time online and I haven't seen anyone on this for over 2 months, I give this game 6/10
Now I may have not included the games you wanted me to have, or not gone into detail, basically because it's New Years eve, and I don't want to spend it writing on here (No offence Blogger) So I shall return int he New Year with more posts, Seasons greetings to you all, and have a Happy New Year :)
Mikey x
Gaming and general day to day.
Mostly gaming, and some other things that make you ponder...
Friday, 31 December 2010
Thursday, 2 December 2010
MrDrMikey's Guide to Xbox LIVE Insults.
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You camping hacker noob bum! |
1. "Your Mum" Jokes:
The bain of all jokes, quite simply don't even attempt to say one of these, no matter how well you execute it you will still be a cunt. Your Mum jokes were funny for around 20 minutes in 2005, if you say them you may as well say "I have no idea how to insult someone"
2. Shouting and screaming like a bitch so they other person can't speak:
This is the complete definition of bastardry, and not only irritates the person you're trying to outdo but everyone else in the game, it's not big and it's not clever, Real Translation: "Oh shit! I have no idea what to say so I'll replicate the noise a toddler makes when you tell them they're going to Disneyland."
3. Repetetive Stereotyping:
Yes it seems funny but it's boring as hell, we all know Americans are fat, and British people have bad teeth. trust me, I've been hearing this shit for 3 years now, maybe try and invert it a little and think of something that will genuinely shock them, e.g.
American: "Faggot Bitch"
Me: "Faggot? Where did you learn that? When you're daddy introduced you to the ways of the Klan?"
4. Racism
The most cowardly and arrogant way to try and offend someone, sinks you as low as some interbred, ill educated chauncer! Being racist just proves that you have no idea of not only insulting someone but also lowers your maturity levels to that of someone who has an account on Icanhascheezburger.com.
5. Gay
Saying someone is "Gay" is stupidity and childishness as it's finest, Microsoft upon hearing this through a mic should delete the accused's account or atleast make them recieve a message of some personification of *facepalm*
6. Grammar Nazism
A personal favourite of mine, mostly used in online text messaging, because these days you're prone to "OmG u iz a hackerrrr!!!!!111oneeleven!!!" and quite simply retyping their messag with the correct English grammar not only is a simple correction of their mistake but also makes them feel as small Justin Bieber's ....You know what I mean.
7. Mocking someone in a voice they don't have
Inspire by the Facebook group, humans have been mocking their peers, relatives, enemies, co-workers in voices they don't have, it's often topped off with a hefty dose of sarcasm "Ooooooh shut uppppp" It can be good in ways, but mostly it's just (in the words of my good friend Gary) ...Faggotry. If someone insults you and they have an obscure accent then yes, it is kinda funny but if they just simpky have a different accent trying to replicate it with extreme exaggeration puts the title "Cunt of the week" on you.
8. Mute
And finally the most easiset and sensible option, just muting someone, nobody wins, nobody loses, and you get a bit of calm from the shouting pre pubescent 12 year olds calling me (a white guy) a n****r.
I hope you enjoyed my post please comment and add things that you think missed out and what not,
much love x
Sunday, 28 November 2010
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Letting the side down QQ |
Black Ops, before it's release there were mixed feelings about what it would be like and when it was released to the vast majority everyone was pretty shocked at how "not" shit it was, even me!. The campaign in a rough overview was awesome, and at first the multiplayer was pretty good. But after playing it for some time i've realised...Oh God, what have they done?! *insert shocked troll face here*
The online maps are awesome, couldn't ask for anything better, weapons? not bad at all wouldn't fault any of them...Spawning? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, Shooting mid air and getting hitmarkers? FUUUUUUUUUUU, This is HORRIBLY bad, now with a game with such a massive online community and a FPS you have to accept that yes once in a while shit like this happens, whether it's CoD, Battlefield you name it it's going to happen under no ones control, but in BOps it's all the bloody time! I was enjoying a game of Domination on the map WMD with some good friends Gary, Will and Jeff when I spawned and within TWO seconds got killed by someone just standing infront of me and this didn't happen once or twice this happened SIX BLOODY TIMES in the space of about 40 seconds I of course did the most acceptable thing and ragequit like a bitch. sort it out Treyarch! if this stuff is patched ASAP we could have an enjoyable game right here!
And also the "Shooting mid air and getting hitmarkers" ? Watch this video below, this is my own video from my file share of me in a game of One In The Chamber (An awesome mode, Pistol, One bullet, Bullet reloads after a kill) and after a brief scuffle with this young fella' (Blatantly knifing him, and him most probably blatantly knifing me) I shot what appears to be a chair whislt this chap was about 4 ft to the left of it...and yes it killed him, (It also appears that I made a chair bleed?)
Sickening? YES it is, Treyarch need to get their shit together and sort this out because it's ruining a good game, Maybe the glory of recieving the title of "Most copies sold in first 24 hours than ANY other game" has gone to their heads? I dont know :( But it's depressing.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Student Protests
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Necessary?...NO |
Recently the Tories caused upset by stating that they lifted the cap on how much universities should charge and reduced the funding. As of course these students want to "rise up against oppression" ... ¬¬ The people protesting have no idea at all, holding signs saying "Education is not a privelage, it's a right" yes a right to people within compulsory education age, if you go to uni then it is a privelage. Don't vent your anger entirely on the government when it's the universities themselves who charge the extortionate fees, the government only lifted the cap on how much they charge, so instead of protesting about how they can't afford to go to uni, they should face up to the fact you get what you pay for, education isn't cheap.
Excuse my language but these middle class cunts think that by protesting in violent manners writing "REVOLUTION" on buildings think that they are some sort of victims of a fascist regime living under an oppressive dictatorship. These kids are brainwashed thinking that they are the new Che Guevara or something.
In the 50's and 60's Che Guevara fought against Capitalist dicatorship in South America he was a working man fighting the power hungry oppressors, he wasnt some prick from Tunbridge Wells.
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The REAL Revolutionary |
I understand that yes it is a hefty sum for people to pay, but you have to live with it, it's not state education it's PRIVATE education and you get what you pay for, why dont some of these students perhaps save the money they use for getting pissed and stoned to use for fees? Yes this country needs people with University standard qualifications but its not ESSENTIAL, this country needs working people (you know REAL workers? not someone who has a degree in surfing or soemthing)
I'm an anti-tory all the way, my family are from the North of England which means in the 80's Thatcher pretty much ruined everything (No questions), But I agree with these cuts, and do you know why? Because they're cutting the least effective things that drain our economy, silly departments within the government and scrapping "mickey mouse courses", So before you rip me to shreds remember
- You get what you pay for
Monday, 15 November 2010
You know what grinds my gears? Part 1
Now, I'm a reasonable guy and I have the upmost repsect for anyones views...but by jove do some things piss me off? ...let's begin.
1. Reality TV: What a waste of bloody life eh? X Factor? Big Brother? all such a waste of time and money, watching fame hungry juveniles create a so called "career" from doing sod all, X factor finalists let alone contestants are wiped from the face of the earth 6 months after the show, and Big Brother? scrounging, benefit chavs who after being seen on camera are classed as "celebrities". It's disturbing...these people earn shitloads of money for doing feck' all, if a brain surgeon said "I haven't done much in the last year" they would get fucking owned but if you were on Big Brother 05 you're a celebrity.
...but in all fairness I'm a Celebrity is quite funny.
2. People who create sexist, childish Facebook pages: This is the brunt of all hipocracy and idiocy, a 14 year old girl making a page called "All boys should do a GCSE in "How to treat a female" and "CoD is a game played by immature boys" I mean how the feck do these kids know what the gaming community is like? 6 million gamers all immature? and these girls who have a 14 year old boyfriend and think because he didn't share his Turkey Twizzlers with her, the entire male gender is not to be trusted.
3: Over Liberal People: Now, I class myself as a liberal guy, and any person is entitled to their own opinion and as a decent human being you should respect it, but people can't get away with ANYTHING and you can't let them either by throwing the old "It's their choice", If someone murdered a child with a rusty paperclip would you respect them? NO sometimes you need to stop being like a pure exaggerated Mahatma Ghandi and dissagree with someone for once.
4: Emo's: Now the Emo phase is practically dead, I think I started around 2005 and ended in about 2009? It's long gone (Thank the bloody lord) Having 4 years of suburban teenagers who suddenly after listening to some American commercialised pop crap, have "problems" and draw red lines on their wrists to gain attentions from the other wannabe vampires, and what's worse for these two years people who listened to more rock orientated music (me) were branded Emos by uneducated scum (read below)
5: Chavs, NEDS (Non-Educated Delinquents): Now these people ruin our soceity and turn our streets into scum riddled sesspits where we feel uncomfortable to go outside incase we get verbally (or physically) attacked by these assailants. They usually dwell in less well to do areas, have little or no income (if they do it's probably stolen) and hate anyone who doesn't look like them. In order to not be judged by these dcreatures you must...1. Wear expensive tracksuits that are somehow acquired with little income you have? don't wash for the best part of 10 days, and speak like your regurgitating. They often lose their virginities around the ages of 11 -13 and their main goal in life is to start a fight with anyone and I mean ...ANYONE whether it be male, female, animal, OAP, Tony Blair, you name it they want to kick the shit out of it for no reason whatsoever, If you find yourself in one of these areas keep your guard out, hide your money in your shoes and don't give eye contact. Because if you do this will happen.
Assailant: "What you lookin at you retard!"
Average: "Excuse Me?"
Assailant: "You Startin'?"
Average: "What?"
Assailant: *Punches*
You can counteract these creatures by leaving them with a riddle, such as...
1: "How many qualifications do you have?"
2: "Who's your Biological Father?"
3: "When was the last time you acquired money within the law?"
1. Reality TV: What a waste of bloody life eh? X Factor? Big Brother? all such a waste of time and money, watching fame hungry juveniles create a so called "career" from doing sod all, X factor finalists let alone contestants are wiped from the face of the earth 6 months after the show, and Big Brother? scrounging, benefit chavs who after being seen on camera are classed as "celebrities". It's disturbing...these people earn shitloads of money for doing feck' all, if a brain surgeon said "I haven't done much in the last year" they would get fucking owned but if you were on Big Brother 05 you're a celebrity.
...but in all fairness I'm a Celebrity is quite funny.
2. People who create sexist, childish Facebook pages: This is the brunt of all hipocracy and idiocy, a 14 year old girl making a page called "All boys should do a GCSE in "How to treat a female" and "CoD is a game played by immature boys" I mean how the feck do these kids know what the gaming community is like? 6 million gamers all immature? and these girls who have a 14 year old boyfriend and think because he didn't share his Turkey Twizzlers with her, the entire male gender is not to be trusted.
3: Over Liberal People: Now, I class myself as a liberal guy, and any person is entitled to their own opinion and as a decent human being you should respect it, but people can't get away with ANYTHING and you can't let them either by throwing the old "It's their choice", If someone murdered a child with a rusty paperclip would you respect them? NO sometimes you need to stop being like a pure exaggerated Mahatma Ghandi and dissagree with someone for once.
4: Emo's: Now the Emo phase is practically dead, I think I started around 2005 and ended in about 2009? It's long gone (Thank the bloody lord) Having 4 years of suburban teenagers who suddenly after listening to some American commercialised pop crap, have "problems" and draw red lines on their wrists to gain attentions from the other wannabe vampires, and what's worse for these two years people who listened to more rock orientated music (me) were branded Emos by uneducated scum (read below)
5: Chavs, NEDS (Non-Educated Delinquents): Now these people ruin our soceity and turn our streets into scum riddled sesspits where we feel uncomfortable to go outside incase we get verbally (or physically) attacked by these assailants. They usually dwell in less well to do areas, have little or no income (if they do it's probably stolen) and hate anyone who doesn't look like them. In order to not be judged by these dcreatures you must...1. Wear expensive tracksuits that are somehow acquired with little income you have? don't wash for the best part of 10 days, and speak like your regurgitating. They often lose their virginities around the ages of 11 -13 and their main goal in life is to start a fight with anyone and I mean ...ANYONE whether it be male, female, animal, OAP, Tony Blair, you name it they want to kick the shit out of it for no reason whatsoever, If you find yourself in one of these areas keep your guard out, hide your money in your shoes and don't give eye contact. Because if you do this will happen.
Assailant: "What you lookin at you retard!"
Average: "Excuse Me?"
Assailant: "You Startin'?"
Average: "What?"
Assailant: *Punches*
You can counteract these creatures by leaving them with a riddle, such as...
1: "How many qualifications do you have?"
2: "Who's your Biological Father?"
3: "When was the last time you acquired money within the law?"
Xbox LIVE: Are the good days over?
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iTz L1v3 Bruvv |
It seems you have to be awesome at a game or in the language of the 13 year old pre pubescents "ItZ pr0 b34stttt". The whole purpose of the online game experience is to play fair? no?
I recently acquired CoD: Black Ops (as you may know), and in a game of TDM I finished with the lovely old score of 7 kills - 12 deaths ...(shoot me down in flames if you must) but it's a new game ;) and after the game finshed I recieved a message from an iTz Jo33y 97, << that implies he's 13! saying...
"wow m8 u r shit" ...And I couldnt help but think to myself..."really?, really?" is someone that determined to go out of their way to purpously try and sabotage gameplay? and what's funny is that the majority of kids on LIVE aren't old enough to play the games, and also if confronted with the real concept of Aghanistan they would actually defficate in their age 11 -12 Ben 10 briefs.
Now...I personally believe that ALL this is caused by Microsoft making Xbox's more available to the public, which is understandable for a multinational corporation. But ever since the adverts "Xbox 360: now from £109:99!" more illiterate and uneducated childrfen have polluted my console. Now you may think I sound like a middle class chauncer complaining of commoners but I'm not! I was 15 when I got my Xbox and I saved for a whole year to get it! (and it's still going strong! ;) ), but now these kids are getting consoles dirt cheap and making gameplay for REAL players completely shit. If you're in an argument with someone on LIVE (not that the mute button doesn't help) it's was all about the wise cracking comebacks and swift put downs (ah the good old days) but now it's "Your mum!" "alalalalalala you sound like a fockin fock! you fock!" personally in my opinion there should be an age limit for LIVE users that is strictly enforced so people can enjoy it how it used to be. or just make them expensive so pikey urchins won't dominate my gameplay.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Black Ops: My Review
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I was driving...no, no I kid ;D |
The Campaign was awesome and added a different feel to the generic CoD campaigns, a gritty storyline focusing on the realism of war, none of this "Shit! it's the Taliban, get out the Super Thermonuclear Fully Automatic Pistol" this game shows Vietnam exactly how it was (not that I was there to witness it) and I know what your thinking "It's set in the 60's so there is no crazy ass weapons" NO there were MANY missions in this game that just used rusty knives, pistols, AK's and even fireball slingshots (badass). But as we always know CoD campaigns are never usually a let down it's the multiplayer that we're all really bothered about.
And after months of hater's (gon' hate) saying that this game would be terrible after MW2 I think you may have been proved wrong here, The online has changed dramatically but in strange way that we all know how to still play it? M16's have been toned down, No quickscoping, and a selection on pretty good maps.
BUT...it's not all fun and games (well it is) but you know what I mean, I was shocked at the ability of the smaller weapons (MP5, Skorpion) being RIDICULOUSLY overpowered, TWO bullets on a non-harcore mode to kill me! I sense bad usage of these :/ It seems Treyarch have been so focused on toning down everything that annoyed us in the last games that they may have made something worse. But to be honest this is the only fault I can find with the game, and I would reccomend it. But hater's gon' hate and these are people who haven't even played the game, just play it and you'll see!
And the ability to kill zombies in the Pentagon whilst portaying John. F. Kennedy or Fidel Castro is enough to make any fun loving human being buy this game. ;)
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Black Ops: Time for a change?
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How are we going to spend the next 12 months? |
But I'm getting distracted...IS Black Ops going to change it all? or are we going to spend the next year trying to restrain ourselves from destroying our consoles? Well...Black Ops is made by Treyarch who made CoD: World at War back in 2008 and it was not a bad game at all! Good campaign and a bit of on and offline gore to top it all off (Lovely stuff). But Treyarch let the power get to them by releasing DLC maps, which aren't a problem but included them in ALL playlists, so if you didn't have them you got kicked out of games (Like me :/). But after looking at previews of BOps it looks like Treyarch have done their homework. stating they've countered the Quickscoping problem which I can give a resounding THANK FUCK FOR THAT, so it looks like there's going to be around 5 million smug 14 year olds crying in unison for the next 6 months. ... ;)
And also they have countered the NoobTube problem which has been around since the days of CoD3, by making Ntubes only kill an enemy if it is within direct range of an enemy, But the whole point of CoD is to have these problems giving you some sort of euphemistic challenge not set by the game itself. Now...I know what you're thinking sounds all good yes? Well it's not all good, BOps will include Commando Pro, Danger Close Pro and all their annoying friends, so this game will have you being stabbed from 10ft away and being blown up by a grenade in another map. But remember...CoD can't keep everything the same in each game so some things will annoy some players as compared to others. But with the QScoping and NTubing problem countered it looks like we could be in for an honest year of decent gaming, with added suicidal QScopers which isn't a problem :P
But Treyarch seemed to have made a gritty game full of the realism of war, none of this high tech shit. It looks like if BOps was a person it would be Rambo with a big ass knife compare to MW2 which is GI Joe with a pistol, this game looks like it has "Renegade" written all over and maybe we could be in for a treat...oh and theres zombies!
I guess we'll see on Tuesday.
Call of Duty 4: Dogs, Not all they're cracked up to be.
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Scary Shit! |
I know what your thinking, dogs? All you need is a gun...right? NO...well yes you do need a gun, and you do need to kill a human which is more illegal than killing a dog so you're not in the best situation but ah well. Go to the mission "All Ghillied Up" which if I may add is the best mission of any FPS ever! Anyway find your self to this building here. (Below)
It's not the Ritz but it'll do |
Look at them...all high and mighty ¬ ¬ |
...pfft what Rabies? |
Go into the back room and you'll see to more furry friends! and no no they wont hurt you, because their evil Russian owners are dead and now they're free to go live on a farm in South Dakota. (below)
Pet them they don't bite! |
But I have bad news :( I tried to see what would happen if i "removed" one little fella, and in an act of pure treason his friend just acted as if NOTHING had happened :/ (below)
The trigger slipped :/ |
And that was my blog on how to domesticate evil communist dogs into lovable four legged friends who have no grief for their lost comrades.
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Sasquatch in Red Dead? Good or Bad?
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I didnt kill him...did you? |
A long time ago back in 2004, a young Mikey only 12 years old on a cold christmas morning was purchased the game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and still to this day I believe that was the best game ever made (say what you want) and after about 2 years of CONSTANT playing completing every possible challenge and side missions, many rumours arised about myths and legends of the San Andreas containing creepy and unknown characters in locations, many including Ghost Cars...Confirmed, Crazy ass easter eggs...Confirmed, Leatherface...*ahem* no and the big one...Sasquatch! which Rockstar said wasn't in the game but I still kept looking and after 5 years I gave up :(
BUT! In October of 2010 the epic game that is Red Dead Redemption released a DLC called "Undead Nightmare" which practically turned the Western Frontier into a George. A. Romero flick. (It's awesome by the way) and in this DLC Rockstar controversially added into the game my best friend SASQUATCH! and even gave him his big break in a side mission! Sounds good yes? NO! In this horrible mission (http://reddead.wikia.com/wiki/The_Birth_of_the_Conservation_Movement) you have to hunt and kill not one but SIX Sasquatches :( and in the end *spoiler alert* you have an emotional stand off with the last remaining Sasquatch who claims he is not evil and has been mistaken by humans, after this cut scene you have the choice to kill or leave him.
I was horrified at this, after all those years hunting around the dark forests of San Andreas for up to FIVE years looking and now he is included you have to (excuse my French) FUCKING KILL HIM :( It's terrible, I didn't kill him, But after research on the web I found that if you do or you dont he will still respawn and keep doing so, so that aint' so bad but if you have RDR: UN remember what gamers like myself have been through in finding our furry friend and think to yourself "No, I'm going keep him alive, because hairy 8ft ape men are nice"
Why am I here? Let me explain.
I saw a few of my friends had made an account on here so I thought that I would jump on the bandwagon and see where it got me, Looks like I'm going to be blogging about Music you can see my acoustic youtube channel here >> www.youtube.com/mrdrmikey
Or Gaming (I dont have a link for you there) I play Xbox 360, nothing else. Hope you enjoy your stay and please help yourself to some drinks, but don't touch the Chianti.
Or Gaming (I dont have a link for you there) I play Xbox 360, nothing else. Hope you enjoy your stay and please help yourself to some drinks, but don't touch the Chianti.
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