Gaming and general day to day.

Mostly gaming, and some other things that make you ponder...

Tuesday 31 May 2011

L.A Noire: The Review

Evening all, May 31st? Sheeesh it's been a while, but let's get stuck in! LA Noire! and my review of it! It was in production since 2004 and was constantly delayed on the release date and in a way everybody just forgot about it, but in February of this year they announced that it would be released on May 24th and thus came the hype! In the various trailers it boasted in depth gameplay and a new system of game design using motion capture from real peoples faces, and with it being made by the mighty Rockstar it made is all pretty much like a five year old who had just been told they're going to Disneyland.

So let's begin...L.A Noire grasped me when I was playing it, it threw me straight into 1940's Los Angeles and made me detective MrDrMikey or Cole Phelps as you're known in the game, You are assigned to various cases across 4 different departments of the LAPD Traffic, Homicide, Vice and Arson I believe. As the game progresses you go through them all. And with the game (On Xbox 360) being 3 discs long I felt I was going to be playing it for months, but I wasn't (Basically because I'm a nerd) and I completed it in 3 days, But anyway I'm drifting from the point! The motion capture and the vocabulary of the characters makes it almost as if it's a Hollywood movie. And the general case solving and interrogation is superb and almost makes you feel like a hard man, when really you're an 18 year old sipping tea in your bedroom.

But this sounds good no? and yes it is! but this was about a quarter into the game, after this it just seemed to repeat on itself, it was almost as if they handed me 4 copies and just changed the scenery a little, and from Rockstar I was expecting a smash hit I would play for months when really there is no real action in the free roam just a giant city with f*** all in it. Team Bondi and R* focused too much on the campaign infact so much that as it progressed (let's say 50% through) it felt like they were running out of ideas for content so juts repeated the same stuff over and over, Dare I say that LA Noire is overrated? I'm not sure if I should because the big guys IGN, Machinima etc have made out as if it's the second coming of Christ, and if I wa sdoing a review on how amazing the first 25% of a game is LA Noire would be the best thing since sliced bread, it just got over repetive and as for the ending well I'm not saying what happens, but my testicles hurt from being kicked so hard. I honetsly feel uneasy about digging at a Rockstar game, but I may aswell, I think we've been shown that Rockstar can't do the "good guy" routine, I'll finish off with saying that LA Noire is definitely worth a buy, but if you agree with what I've just wrote then at least wait for the price to drop a little. but I myself cannot review this game on a whole so I'll split it up...

Gameplay - 8.5/10
Graphics - 10/10
Story - 4.5/10

Thanks for reading and all the best :)

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