Gaming and general day to day.

Mostly gaming, and some other things that make you ponder...

Monday, 6 June 2011

Organised Intervention in Libya (OIL)

So I'm straying away from gaming for today and going into more serious matters, politics! Yeaah.
Today I'm just merely giving my opinion on and some facts about the NATO intervention in Libya and why it's not all it's cracked up to be. Now if you're in possession of a television or are just alive you will know that all across the Middle East and the Arab world people have gotten pissed off with their autocratic governments and breach of human rights, and good on them I say! Firstly Tunisia had enough of it's president Ben Ali and after numerous protests he stepped down after 23 years, the same followed in Egypt when after even more strenuous protesting and loss of innocent life president Hosni Mubarak stepped down after 30 years.

But the big one is Libya, the North African state ran by none other than melty face man himself...Muammar al Gadaffi, and he is so delusional with power in his country he refuses to step down, despite near enough the entire population wanting him gone. He started using deadly force against his own people just like in Tunisia, Egypt and several other Middle Eastern countries, and when news of this spread to the West the first thing they planned was "Help for the civilians of Libya" which is all well and good? but why? because there's so much oil in Libya you could make the Mediterranean look like the gulf of Mexico 5 times over. Now I'm not saying what Gadaffi is doing is right but if you look at other countries in the world today that governments are killing their own people in goes completely unnoticed but when there's natural resources involved ahaa you've got to protect these poor innocent civilians.

Let's look at Syria shall we? Syria is located in the Northern Middle East next to Turkey, Lebanon and not far from Iran, Now it's factually documented that Syria is massacring it's own people because they disagree with their system of government, and also more protesters have been killed in Syria than compared to Libya! But why aren't NATO going into Syria all guns blazing? because surprise, surprise Syria isn't famed for it's oil reserves. Although there is oil in Syria it borders Turkey which is a strong ally of NATO and the EU, it's also close Iran which if NATO decides to intervene in a country just a few miles away, our Persian friends aren't just going to let it fly by. I just hope Syria sorts itself out.

But other countries with widespread violence are Algeria located to the west of Libya and not as rich in that special mineral and enough reason to justify an intervention. Also Yemen and Oman! located right at the bottom of the Arabian peninsular these two countries are on the brink of a civil war, but it's not important enough for "help"

But near enough every Middle Eastern country is having some sort of protests and a many are killing these protesters, but why didn't NATO intervene in Egypt? because Egypt is an ally to the West and they don't have that precious black gold. But Libya was a treasure chest to NATO, an autocratic government lasting over 40 years, a mad dictator hated by everyone even his own people and other Middle Eastern countries, a country which has attacked the West on numerous occasions and that lovely, lovely oil!

So here's a map I found of global oil reserves and I've edited it myself to comapare all these countries and how everything really falls into place, click to enlarge. And look how much on an anomaly Libya is.

So there is my rant abbout it all, please feel free to comment and what not.

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